Jumat, 20 Juli 2018

Download , by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Download , by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Download , by Nassim Nicholas Taleb

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, by Nassim Nicholas Taleb


Format: Kindle Ausgabe

Dateigröße: 4098 KB

Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe: 259 Seiten

Verlag: Penguin (20. Februar 2018)

Verkauf durch: Amazon Media EU S.Ã r.l.

Sprache: Englisch


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Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.7 von 5 Sternen

21 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

#53.314 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 Bezahlt in Kindle-Shop)

Wer nichts persönlich zu verlieren hat und damit rechnen kann, dass Risiken, die aus seinem Verhalten schlagend werden, von der Allgemeinheit übernommen werden, wird verantwortungslos mit Risiko umgehen. N.N.Taleb, der "Vater" des "Schwarzen Schwans" bringt Beispiele aus der Finanzkrise, aus der Wissenschaft und Verwaltung sowie dem täglichen Leben. Die Glaubwürdigkeit eines sozialen Akteurs besteht, wenn dieser "Skin in the Game" hat, d.h. bei seinen Entscheidungen mit seinem eigenen Vermögen oder Ruf haftet, etwas persönlich zu verlieren hat; ein Prinzip, das ein wesentlicher Eckpfeiler des Ordoliberalismus ist.

Great Book which is written in a style that probably not everyone likes. The message is clear and for people like me with Skin in the Game, its a Motivation.The examples of what is going wrong in our society are interesting and true.As all books written in this kind of genre, Skin in the Game doesn‘t come up with a final concept or any answers, it just gives it readers some more arguments for a certain or their already established opinion.

Despite an interesting basic idea (decision making and behavior is different if you are really involved) the book is full of generalizations and ranting. The author seems to be convinced that he is the only one who understands statistics and all other scientists did not get it.The style is arrogant and sometimes disturbing. Who is he that he can claim that all journalists just write what other journalisits say without checking it? Just think of all the journalists which die or get prisoned during their work.I was continuously struggling with me to stop reading. My recommendation is to spend the time and money on something different.

It might be not the worst things that Taleb does not have to write for a living and that he comes from the utterly prosaic spheres of mathematics. This, combined with his affinity to classic Mediterranean philosophy and culture and with his steadfastness in the teeth of loud and many-voiced opposition (e.g. against his theses on defeciencies of the finance market and financial pseudo-science) makes Taleb one of the most peculiar and inspiring authors of the early 21st century.In my humble opinion at least …»Skin in the Game« – more that the last book in his *Incerto* tetralogy (»Antifragile«) did – shifts the focus from things financial for good and relates Taleb’s theses on risk, probability, asymmetries, and reciprocity to almost every other sphere of human life.You need not agree with every point. Taleb is a proponent of discourse, of (tough, fair and fact-based) discussion, not a herald of unshakable and eternal lore. I hope to read more from him soon. And I wish there’d be more voices like Taleb’s.

Excellent book. Great anecdotes to make the points. Very helpful to better understand why the future cannot be predicted and why to not trust anyone who has no skin in the game.

Leider kann ich das Buch nicht empfehlen. Die Arrgoanz des Autors (dafür ist Herr Taleb wohl bekannt), ist in jeder Seite vorzufinden und erschwert die Lust am Lesen beizubehalten. Folgendes beispielhaftes Zitat aus seinem Buch:"I for my part spend twenty-three years in a full-time, highly demanding, extremly stressful profession while studying, researching, and writing my first three books at night, it lowered (in fact, eliminated) my tolerance for career-buidling reseach."Weiterhin werden persönliche Probleme, die der Autor mit anderen Autoren/Kollegen zu haben scheint, kontinuierlich angesprochen, sodass es so wirkt, als diene das Buch primär der Diskreditierung dieser Menschen.Inhaltlich hat das Buch ein paar wenige interessante Aspekte, die jedoch gerade durch die Arroganz des Autors und mangelnder kritischer Eigenreflexion stark an Gehalt verlieren.

Thank you

Great Book, as expected.I like Talebs style. Straight, anti bs – vendor.As entertaining and enlightning as his previous works.

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