Kamis, 22 September 2016

Kostenfreier Download Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp

Kostenfreier Download Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp

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Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp

Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp

Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp

Kostenfreier Download Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp

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Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp


This title presents the bestselling holy grail of trading information - now brought completely up to date to give traders an edge in the marketplace. "Sound trading advice and lots of ideas you can use to develop your own trading methodology." - Jack Schwager, author of "Market Wizards" and "The New Market Wizards". This trading masterpiece has been fully updated to address all the concerns of today's market environment. With substantial new material, this second edition features Tharp's new 17-step trading model. "Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom" also addresses reward to risk multiples, as well as insightful new interviews with top traders, and features updated examples and charts.

Über den Autor und weitere Mitwirkende

Van K. Tharp, Ph.D., is an internationally known consultant and coach to traders and investors, as well as the founder and president of the Van Tharp Institute. He is the author of multiple bestselling books on trading and investing, including Safe Strategies for Financial Freedom and Financial Freedom Through Electronic Day Trading. Tharp is a highly sought-after speaker who develops courses and seminars for large banks and trading firms around the world. He has published numerous articles and has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Barron's Market Week, and Investors Business Daily.


Gebundene Ausgabe: 512 Seiten

Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education Ltd; Auflage: 2 ed (1. Dezember 2006)

Sprache: Englisch

ISBN-10: 007147871X

ISBN-13: 978-0071478717

Größe und/oder Gewicht:

16,3 x 3,8 x 23,6 cm

Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:

3.0 von 5 Sternen

26 Kundenrezensionen

Amazon Bestseller-Rang:

Nr. 123.454 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)

Ich muss gestehen, dass ich das Buch nicht zu Ende gelesen habe. Nach den ersten 150 Seiten war mir klar, dass Herr Dr. Van Tharp bisher noch kein Trade gemacht hat. Vielleicht hat er sogar welche gemacht, aber sein Lebensunterhalt verdient er nicht durch das Traden. So viel is klar. Jedenfalls hatte ich kein Interesse daran das Buch zu beenden. Es ist für jemand mit Erfahrung (ich Trade seit 4 Jahren) nichts nützliches im Buch. Die Ansammlung von Trade-Klischees sind nervig. Nachdem mir bewusst wurde, dass der Autor keine Trading-Praxis hat, dachte ich mir: "Wo Rauch ist, findet sich auch Feuer."Ich begann nach den Tradern, die im Buch als erfolgreiche Vorbilder genannt werden, zu recherchieren. Alle genannten Herren haben Ihre Funds geschlossen und bieten mittlerweile hochpreisige Newsletter an. Seltsam. Wer mit dem Traden sein Lebensunterhalt verdient, hat kein Interesse Kurse und Newsletter zu vermarkten. Sowas kostet Zeit, die man für das Traden nicht hat und das kostet im Endeffekt Geld.Aber was mich am meisten überrascht hat, war ein gewisser Herr David Mobley. Er wurde von Herrn Dr. Van Tharp als Hedgefund-Manager lobend empfohlen, wurde aber vor einigen Jahren zu einer Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt. Er hatte Investorengelder im Wert $ 100 Mio. veruntreut und ein Schneeballsystem (Ponzi-Scheme) aufgebaut.Aus der Investoren-Anklageschrift gegen Herrn Mobley:"If you're a trading coach singing (Mobley's) praises, the clear implication is that you've looked over his shoulder and seen his success," said Mark Raymond, a Miami attorney who filed the suit on behalf of investors along with Naples attorney Chris Vernon."Mittlerweile hat Herr Dr. van Tharp alles was auf Herrn Mobley hindeutet von seiner Seite entfernt.Es kann sein, dass der Autor einen Fehler bei der Empfehlung von Herrn David Mobley gemacht hat. Das werfe ich ihm nicht vor. Was ich ihm aber vorwerfe und das ist mein Entscheidungskriterium für den Buchkauf, ist es kein erfolgreicher Trader zu sein. Ein erfolgreicher Trader kennt den Unterschied zwischen erfolgreichen und erfolglosen Tradern und würde niemals einen erfolglosen Trader (David Mobley) empfehlen.Für mich ist das Buch ein klarer 1 Sterne-Kanditat. Für die Leute, die gar keine Erfahrung haben und mit dem Traden beginnen wollen, sehe ich ein Nutzen im Buch. Es vermittelt eine theoretische Basis, aber nicht mehr. Sollten Sie ein Beginner sein, dann kann ich mir vorstellen, dass Sie dem Buch etwas entnehmen können. Deshalb gibt es für mich +1 Stern.

In diesem Buch wird viel über Handelsstrategien und Handelssysteme geschrieben, nur wie man nun wirklich erfolgreich an den Finanzmärkten agiert, wird dem Leser auch nach 450 Seiten nicht klar. Eher verwirrend, als der Weg zur finanziellen Freiheit!

Trade your way to Fiancial Freedom is an absolutely transcending book on the stock market that leads you into an incredible amount of information that remains terribly succinct. Dr. Tharp introduces the idea that the "holy grail" of the market, is not in some secret book somewhere that's hidden and only given to "professionals", but the holy grail is inside yourself. Despite this reasonable truth, it still can be a long journey to find that in yourself and you're likely to return jaded without the aid of this book.Dr. Tharp takes professionals in different areas of the market (from T.A. to Arbitrage) to elucidate points continuously throughout the book to give you an idea of what could be best for you. He foreshadows his ideas of position sizing until the very last chapter, which is the only spot where position sizing, TRUE position sizing, is going to make sense. If you're not using some sort of conscious position sizing, and Tharp warns that many have a misconception of position sizing initally anyways, you could be cutting yourself out of tremendous profits.I recommend this book to anyone investing or considering investing. I'm almost sure it will teach most any knowledgeable (and novice) trader a number of things.

Dr. Van Tharp's excellent book "Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom" is truly a work of groundbreaking proportions. It is the single most important book I have ever read on the subject of trading sucessfully. Using a very organized and readable format, Dr. Tharp leads the reader step by step through the maze of myths about trading and arrives at the true meaning of the Holy Grail -- that the secret of success is inside you. Dr. Tharp serves as your personal guide, taking you safely through the treacherous terriroty surrounding information about trading systems. In the end we are much wiser for the experience, arriving at our destination stronger for having completed the journey. In short, we gain the wisdom that comes with knowing one's Self and become very clear on what works...and what doesn't. By interviewing thousands of successful traders during a 15 year period, Dr. Tharp was able to find out what was common in their individual systems of success. He then created a "model" of those variables, arriving at these basic truths: Low risk ideas combined with appropriate exit strategies and position sizing create the foundation for developing successful trading systems. Dr. Tharp shares his research with the reader, supporting his conclusions with rich examples. After finishing Tharp's book, even a layman has the tools to design a highly profitable trading system that contains all the strengths common to the best trading systems but also "fits" that particular trader's personality. This book transformed my experience of trading and allowed me to trade with the confidence that comes from knowing the truth about what works. Since implementing Dr. Tharp's strategies to my trading style, the results I have experienced are nothing short of miraculous. Quite frankly this is the first and last book you will ever need if you are serious about trading (or investing) your way to financial freedom. If you want to develop a highly profitable, low risk trading system that produces consistently strong returns, then read this book! All you need is an open mind and the courage to put some of Dr. Tharp's innovative research to the test. I promise you, if you read this book and apply Dr. Tharp's proven concepts, your trading will immediately improve and your bottom line will stay in the black. Without a doubt, Dr. Tharp's book is the best "investment" I have ever made. My return on this "position" is incalculable...

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Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, by Van K. Tharp PDF

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